2024年度 第2回 英検 準1級 ライティング(英作文)
2024年度 第2回実施のテスト内容が公開されています。
Should a high salary be the most important thing when searching for a job?
When it comes to searching for a job, a high salary should be the top priority. It offers many benefits, including better career opportunities and an improved quality of life.
First, a high salary opens up career opportunities. High wages are considered prestigious, and people with them are more likely to receive good job offers in the future when job hunting. Additionally, receiving such offers can make it easier to negotiate a promotion within one’s current company.
Second, getting a high-paying job helps improve people’s personal lives. Many of the things that people desire in life, such as nice housing and financial security, can be attained with lots of money. Having a high salary would, therefore, raise one’s quality of life substantially.
In conclusion, a high salary should be the focus when searching for a job, as it provides better chances for career advancement and an enhanced quality of life.
Use TWO of the POINTS below to support your answer.
理由付けに、以下の 2 つのポイントを使用してください。
● Career opportunities
● Quality of life
● Social responsibility
● Workplace environment
解答例からCareer opportunitiesとQuality of lifeを選んだことが分かります。
When it comes to searching for a job, a high salary should be the top priority. It offers many benefits, including better career opportunities and an improved quality of life.
一文目は、the most important thingをthe top priorityに変えて少しだけ問題文を言い換えただけと分かりますか。また、Career opportunitiesとQuality of lifeについて論じるよとヒントを与えています。ここ重要です。採点者はこれで安心します。
First, Second とそれぞれ始めています。
the top priority -> the focus
career advancement -> Career opportunities
enhanced quality of life -> Quality of life
記事一覧:英検 1級・準1級